Rosette Handschuhfach

Dieses Thema im Forum "Allgemeines - Innenraum, Pflege und Wartung" wurde erstellt von Memmo, 16. Februar 2010.

  1. fin230sl

    fin230sl Mitglied

    15. Oktober 2021
    Danke Oliver.

    Aber was ist "des Engelen"? Google translate erkennt das nicht und ich würde gerne das Referenzmaterial dafür finden.
  2. d.Hahn

    d.Hahn Aktives Mitglied Mitarbeiter Administrator

    20. November 2003

    das Buch ´´Mercedes-Benz 190SL-280SL´´vom Barock zur Pagode,
    von Günter Engelen
    ISBN 3-613-01367-3

  3. fin230sl

    fin230sl Mitglied

    15. Oktober 2021
    Ja, na klar. Vielen Dank! :)
  4. goldhamme_rulez

    goldhamme_rulez Aktives Mitglied

    20. Juli 2004
    Sorry, Nordic friend, I overlooked the language hurdle. Mr. Engelen has in his book for the 190 SL and the W113 long lists of all the extras one could order and the colour/interior options as well as telling the story of their design and development.

    BUT most importantly he went to the Mercedes archives and got the detailed list of what parts where changed on what date on what car during assembly. Including bushings, engine and other mechanical parts to the more decorative parts.

    A must read - unfortunately I believe it is not available in English and the big English book I have not read and can't tell you, if it's as detailed.
  5. fin230sl

    fin230sl Mitglied

    15. Oktober 2021
    Danke Oliver. Trying to research here with my broken (and forgotten :doh:) high school German and google translate. Appreciate the background info on the book. Sounds like I need to find a copy and continue to brush up on my German :bierkrug:
    Bernhard R. und goldhamme_rulez gefällt das.
Müller Classic Motors
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